01/09/2013' @ 11.30am in St.Paul's high School, Camp, Belgaum, Karnataka,
Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide launched a monthly food grain support to a late Master's family....which PBW commits to support for a minimum of one year,
This is
funded by ‘Teachers Benevolent Fund’, initiated by the PBW, last September.
PBW is in deep gratitude to the most generous Paulite donors/classes that made this possible...
PBW is in deep gratitude to the most generous Paulite donors/classes that made this possible...
Put on
the armor of light.... Keep it burning bright...!
Dinesh Vijay Patel
Dinesh Vijay Patel
P.s; be·nev·o·lent adj. 1. Characterized by or suggestive of doing good. 2. Of, concerned with, or organized for the benefit of charity.
adv. Synonyms: benevolent, charitable, eleemosynary, philanthropic
These adjectives mean of, concerned with, providing, or provided by charity: a benevolent fund; a charitable foundation; eleemosynary relief; philanthropic contributions.
P.p.s: Fr. Pat & All the teachers & Masters, will be glad with their teaching us 'The queens language', what say?
mission statement has, from the start, clearly been service to:
· Paulites · School · Community Outreach
desirous of contributing to/joining up the ‘Teachers Benevolent Fund’, may
contribute to;
PBW Teachers Benevolent Fund
SB A/c No 0556 20100 24550
Syndicate Bank,
St Paul’s High School branch,
IFSC SYNB0000556
SB A/c No 0556 20100 24550
Syndicate Bank,
St Paul’s High School branch,
IFSC SYNB0000556
And mail us details of the transfer to,