08 November 2010

Class of 85 donation to The Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide

P.S; The following major decisions were taken @ the meeting of the Ex students held on 19 sep 2011', 
1) the name of the association - St Pauls Old Boys Association. 
2) life membership for a PAULITE would be Rs 500/- 
3) four PAULITES were nominated to the adhoc six members committee, 
comprising of Fr. Alban - Rector/Manager of the school as President and Fr. 
Rolland - Principal as Vice President. 
4) PAULITES OF BELGAUM WORLDWIDE contributed Rs 4.50 lacs towards the aims 
and objectives espoused by PBW and which are similar to SPOBA. 
Cheer boys,cheer....................! 

1) The St. Paul’s Old Boys’ Association (SPOBA) officially wishes to thank
and place on record the generous contribution of Rs 4,50,000/- made by the
Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide.
The members of PBW handed over a cheque of Rs 4.5 lakhs to the Principal of
St Paul’s on 17 Sept 2011, with a clear mandate for utilization of funds as
follows :
1. Rs 2,00,000/- be used for Belgaum Community Outreach, irrespective of
religion, caste , creed.
2. Rs 1,50,000/- be utilized for St Paul’s school requirements. Principal to
decide on wish list.
3. Rs 1,00,000/- to be in favour of the OBA (OBA managers to utilize
according to their wisdom). 
2) We thank all the Paulites who have registered themselves as members on 17
September 2011 . We request them to collect their receipts from Mr. Sham in
the school office. 
3) We invite other Paulites to kindly become members. You can contact Mr.
Sham or Fr. Cecil in the school office between 9 and 10 in the morning.
Membership fee: Rs 500/- (life membership) and for students Rs 250/- which
can be reviewed after 5 years. 
Thanking you
Fr Roland sj and Fr Cecil sj 
Roland Coelho, sj 
St. Paul's High School Camp, 
Belgaum - 590001 

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