The PBW 2010 GRAND REUNION 4-5 DEC 2010 was conceptionalised, planned and executed by a small group of ‘promoters’ consisting of Paulites in Belgaum, who gave freely of their resources of time, effort and even finance, to bring about this event within an incredible three months. Most of them had never met before and they came from different batches with one common thread … being Paulites!This group of 10 Paulites instantly put down a contribution of Rs 9,100 towards initial expenditure for the project, taking the responsibility and the risk of making the event an overwhelming success. A Core Committee was formed and work in earnest commenced mid-August 2010 with bi-weekly meetings, one lasting a marathon 7 hours. The vision was simple to give all the enthusiastic Paulites - worldwide and across different batches - an opportunity to meet, interface and get to know each other on the hallowed grounds of our belovedalma mater.A highly discounted attendance fee of Rs 500 for Paulites / Rs 250 for spouses / Rs 150 for child was levied to ensure that ALL Paulites could afford to attend and be a part of the celebration (a few not-so-financially-fortunate Paulites were even admitted free of charge). The registration and fund collection drive was jump-started by the Class of ’85 with a contribution of Rs 101,000/- This amount included a voluntary contribution made by the wife of a late Paulite from the 1985 batch to further the spirit of the Paulite vision and put it onto a broader platform. That spurred other batches to organise collections of their own and eventually Class donations alone amounted to Rs 227,000Other passionate Paulites came forward with their own individual donations and contributions in addition to the participation fee (Complete list provided to the school Principal).Despite all odds and working with an uncertain budget, the organisers provided (Detailed accounts provided to the school Principal - Donors / Contributors pls note):· Food (Rs 352,500):o 2 light breakfastso 2 five-course luncheso 1 gala seven-course dinner
· Gifts, flowers and felicitation to (Rs 64,725):o All current teachers and admin staff (65)o Senior retired teachers (16)
· Sterling silver awards and citation as “Knights of St Paul’s” to (Rs 36,500):o Outstanding Paulite Achievers (6)
· Multicultural entertainment across age barriers:o Expense related (Rs 253,700):v Infrastructure (stage and backdrop, posters, banners, hoardings, art work, logo, etc)v Fire dancers from Tanzaniav A Hindi pop-singing group from Hubliv Photo and videov Security provisions
o Complimentary services provided by Paulites:v a rock group NH4 (comprising ex-students)v media coverage in the local and national press and on IN TV tickerv cultural performances (by current students in school)v a fireworks displayv pomegranate juice as a welcome drink on opening dayv event management team (comprising local college students)
o Even gas balloons for the little ones
· Stationery, Printing, Posters, Banners, & Miscellaneous (Rs 112,456)
· Complimentaries – Jumbo photo & Event DVD (Rs 46,821)
Major revenues for the event were realised from Participation fees, Class and individual Paulite donations, and souvenir advertisements and amounted to Rs 15.3 lakhs and expenses totalled Rs 8.4 lakhs, leaving a surplus of Rs 6.6 lakhsThe Grand Reunion was a phenomenal success with over 1350 Paulites - local, across the country and overseas - attending the gala evening on 4th Dec 2010. Along with their families and guests, which included the current teachers and admin staff of the school and senior retired teachers, the total gathering was well over 1800!5th Dec included the Assembly and flag hoisting carried out by a Paulite from the 1947 batch followed by sports and games. Three Paulites, besides spending the day on 4th Dec on campus, spent the entire night at the printers to ensure that the souvenir of the event was made available for the Paulites, with pictures of the gala evening, on the Day of the event itself. The souvenir also contained a Directory of contact details of 1800+ ex-students for Paulites to interface with. The Grand Reunion concluded after lunch on 5th Dec 2010.
PBW’s mission statement has, from the start, clearly been service to:
· Paulites· School· Community Outreach
In view of St Paul’s calling for a meeting to launch the official OBA on 17th Sept, the PBW Working Committee met on 13th Sept 2011 to finalise disbursement of surplusfunds presently in the bank account. Dinesh Patel pointed that the school is a 150-year institution and the OBA will be affiliated to the JAAI alumni body of the Jesuit institutions (worldwide Jesuit institution which is over 400 years old) and it would be preferable to entrust the monies to this “institution” rather than in the hands of a group of Paulites who may have conflict of interests. The following was then agreed upon:
v Rs 4,50,000/- be given to the OBA with a clear mandate for utilisation of funds as follows:
· Rs 200,000/- be used for Belgaum Community Outreach, irrespective of religion, caste, creed. {this is in addition to Rs 11,001/- already donated to Swamy Vivekanand Seva Pratisthan, an NGO orphanage, for the purchase of a library almirah.· Rs 150,000/- (+Rs 51,000/- has already been given to the school) be utilised for St Paul’s school requirements. Principal to decide on wishlist.· Rs 100,000/- to be in favour of the OBA (OBA Managers to utilise according to their wisdom).
Meanwhile, a request is also made by PBW to the Managers of the OBA to retain the title Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide, which is a 11-year body, instead of the generic and old-fashioned title OBA for the ex-students association.
This letter chronicling the Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide Grand Reunion of Dec 2010, along with attachments, accompanies a bankers draft for Rs 450,000 and is being handed over to St Paul’s school Principal, Fr Rolland Coelho in the hope that it will remain in the official OBA records of St Pauls’ for PBW posterity.
For Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide
Dinesh Vijay PatelSecretary – Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide, Belgaum Chapter
1) The St. Paul’s Old Boys’ Association (SPOBA) officially wishes to thank
and place on record the generous contribution of Rs 4,50,000/- made by the
Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide.
The members of PBW handed over a cheque of Rs 4.5 lakhs to the Principal of
St Paul’s on 17 Sept 2011, with a clear mandate for utilization of funds as
follows :
1. Rs 2,00,000/- be used for Belgaum Community Outreach, irrespective of
religion, caste , creed.
2. Rs 1,50,000/- be utilized for St Paul’s school requirements. Principal to
decide on wish list.
3. Rs 1,00,000/- to be in favour of the OBA (OBA managers to utilize
according to their wisdom).
and place on record the generous contribution of Rs 4,50,000/- made by the
Paulites of Belgaum Worldwide.
The members of PBW handed over a cheque of Rs 4.5 lakhs to the Principal of
St Paul’s on 17 Sept 2011, with a clear mandate for utilization of funds as
follows :
1. Rs 2,00,000/- be used for Belgaum Community Outreach, irrespective of
religion, caste , creed.
2. Rs 1,50,000/- be utilized for St Paul’s school requirements. Principal to
decide on wish list.
3. Rs 1,00,000/- to be in favour of the OBA (OBA managers to utilize
according to their wisdom).
2) We thank all the Paulites who have registered themselves as members on 17
September 2011 . We request them to collect their receipts from Mr. Sham in
the school office.
September 2011 . We request them to collect their receipts from Mr. Sham in
the school office.
3) We invite other Paulites to kindly become members. You can contact Mr.
Sham or Fr. Cecil in the school office between 9 and 10 in the morning.
Membership fee: Rs 500/- (life membership) and for students Rs 250/- which
can be reviewed after 5 years.
Sham or Fr. Cecil in the school office between 9 and 10 in the morning.
Membership fee: Rs 500/- (life membership) and for students Rs 250/- which
can be reviewed after 5 years.
Thanking you
Fr Roland sj and Fr Cecil sj
Fr Roland sj and Fr Cecil sj
Roland Coelho, sj
St. Paul's High School Camp,
Belgaum - 590001
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